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A Disguised Princess

The story follows a young man who is mistaken for a woman by the prince of Urunei, who wants to marry him; his father, a bureaucrat in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is eager to please Urunei and advance his career, and sends him against his will to Urunei as his daughter Nao. As the future crown princess, Nao has to get used to pretending to be a woman and dressing like one, while being targeted by assassins.

A Disguised Princess

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Shounen Princess: Putri Harimau Naoko is an otokonoko romance story[1][2] and follows Naotora Kusunoki, the son of a bureaucrat in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[1][3] The prince of Urunei, a wealthy Southeast Asian country[2][4] and an ally to Japan, has seen a picture of Naotora, and, mistaking him for a woman, requests to marry him. Despite Naotora's protests, his father obliges, eager to please Urunei and advance his career; renaming him Nao, he sends him to Urunei as his daughter, cross-dressing in a revealing Uruneian outfit.[1][3] Arriving in Urunei, Nao worries about passing as female, but the press, there to photograph the future princess, calls him a beautiful woman. At his hotel, an assassin from a purist faction opposing commoners marrying into the royal family attacks Nao, but his bodyguard Ahmad saves him.[3]

Locked in his room, Nao learns that Jemal plans to kill Ahmad at sea. Nao contacts the purist faction, allying on the condition that he cannot marry Ahmad. Boarding the boat, they learn that Ahmad is in safety, with a decoy doll in her place; Malika had only pretended to support Jemal, and had faked her attack on Ahmad. Malika shoots Jemal, and he falls overboard, pulling Nao with him in hopes of drowning him. Underwater, Nao surprises Jemal by revealing that he has a penis, making Jemal lose his grip and sink as Nao returns to the boat. Nao thinks he will never see Ahmad again due to his promise, but having witnessed his actions, the purist faction pledges loyalty to him. Nao and Ahmad kiss and return to land to plan their wedding, as Nao realizes that as princess he will continue wearing women's clothes forever. In an epilogue, the sword is discovered to contain a map.[3]

It is mentioned Edward Chris von Muir "disguised himself as a bard to avoid attention". This would imply he was not a bard to begin with, but it is likely that because Damcyan is a country of bards, he has been educated in the ways of a bard, which would explain his skillset.

By the time the party reaches the Cargo Ship, each has disguised himself/herself as a Shinra soldier. Even Red XIII joins in, attempting to stand on his hind legs near the crow's nest of the ship. Barret wears a sailor suit, where Cloud might comment that he "looks like a bear wearing a marshmallow". The ladies of the party find this amusing, even suggesting that Barret keep the suit for nightwear.

In the opening event, Leblanc uses the Songstress dressphere to disguise herself as Yuna. Meanwhile, Yuna wears a moogle costume as a disguise during Leblanc's concert in Luca. In Chapter 2, the Gullwings infiltrate Chateau Leblanc disguised in Leblanc Syndicate goon uniforms.

In Zegnautus Keep, Ardyn disguised himself as Noctis and approached the wounded Ravus, who was delighted to see "his king" and tried to bequeath the Sword of the Father to him. "Noctis" manifested the Sword of the Father, as Ardyn already had it, and killed Ravus with it.

The Order of the Northern Sky kidnaps Princess Ovelia disguised as knights of the Order of the Southern Sky to frame Druksmald Goltanna. In truth, Dycedarg Beoulve is behind the kidnapping, hiring Delita Heiral to carry it out, though he is unaware Delita is a double-agent for Goltanna.

Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997, aged 36.Princess Diana was disguised as a male model by Queen singer Freddie Mercury and TV star Kenny Everett so she could be smuggled into a notorious gay bar, according to a new book.

Played by actress Elizabeth Debicki in season five of the hit Netflix drama The Crown, the character of Diana is shown to resort to dressing in disguise to attend a private date with her heart surgeon boyfriend Hasnat Khan. But did the princess really wear costumes to blend in with the public?

A number of sources after Princess Diana's death have recounted incidents where the royal would dress in disguise to avoid public recognition. One source was a psychic healer used by the princess who became a close friend named Simone Simmons.

In her book Diana: Her Last Love, about the princess' real-life relationship with Dr. Hasnat Khan, author Kate Snell claims that the royal would wear wigs, adjust her make-up and wear a different style of clothing to go on dates with the heart surgeon. A fictionalized version of one of these dates is recreated in The Crown.

The heroes and/or villains run into a seemingly unimportant person, usually a beggar or common criminal. Later we discover this person is actually someone of great fame and importance (a king/powerful wizard, etc), and that they had disguised themself to walk among the general populace unnoticed.

  • Comic Books Edge of Spider-Verse (2022): Princess Petra tries doing this, but fails to really get that going around singing draws attention anyway. Then she tries singing about how she's just a totally ordinary girl. Bishop Octopus sees through this "disguise" in an instant.

  • In Fables #150, Rose Red dons a hooded cloak and wanders among her troops on the eve of the battle, in a scene that directly homages the same scene in Henry V.

  • Princess Mari from Frozen: Breaking Boundaries is first seen walking around the neighboring kingdom of Arendelle in a hood. Anna doesn't recognize her as royalty until later.

  • For a few issues of Iron Man, Tony Stark decided he didn't want to be Iron Man any more so he gave away his fortune and went to Silicon Valley under the alias of Hogan Potts. He worked as a normal grunt at a company. He really didn't last that long.

  • Iznogoud: This is the premise of "Incognito"; Iznogoud has been taxing the citizens of Baghdad into poverty, and persuades the Caliph to go out dressed as a beggar to learn what his people think of him. While he is gone, Iznogoud orders the guards to arrest all beggars trying to enter the palace, whatever reason they give. The Caliph is horrified to learn of how much his people are suffering from the excessive taxes and decides to make immediate reforms when he returns to the palace, but he gets lost trying to return. The impatient Iznogoud disguises himself and Wa'at Alahf as beggars to go looking for the Caliph... who gets the idea to ask passers-by to direct him to the palace and returns while the guard is changing, thus escaping detection. The Caliph resumes his position as ruler and makes good on his promise of immediate reforms, while Iznogoud and Wa'at Alahf are arrested trying to re-enter the palace thanks to Iznogoud's own decree.

  • Legends of the Dead Earth: In Aquaman Annual #2, the first storyteller claims that King Aquaman disguised himself as a peasant so that he could visit the city of New Phoenix and discover what its people thought of him.

  • My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (IDW): In issue #65, Princess Celestia is revealed to do this once a year, using an amulet imbued with changeling magic to transform herself into an ordinary pegasus and listen in on what ponies are saying that they would otherwise not say directly to her. This becomes a problem when the amulet is stolen, leaving her stuck in her disguise. After getting it back and returning to normal, she decides to end the tradition and destroys the amulet.

  • In one issue of The Sandman (1989), Augustus Caesar disguises himself as a beggar to make plans that will not be overheard by the gods.

  • One SpongeBob SquarePants comic has King Neptune go down to Bikini Bottom to grant one of the citizens a boon (his boon closet was overfilling). When one fish casually greets him, he disguises himself so he could blend in.

  • In the World of Warcraft comic, Lo'Gosh, an amnesiac human with uncanny fighting skills who was forced into being an Orc gladiator, turns out to be Varian Wrynn, the kidnapped and subsequently shipwrecked king of Stormwind.

  • The X-Wing Rogue Squadron arc Warrior Princess starts with the news that one of the Rogues is actually the lost heir of Eiattu IV, most of the rest of her family having been murdered in a revolution. Who is it? Plourr Illo, the butch, tempestuous mechanic-turned-pilot and last person in the galaxy any of the characters expected. She's a take on Anastasia and initially disguised herself to escape, then made herself into what she wanted to be, far from the self-serving decadence of the court, but is convinced to return and take her rightful place as the empress-apparent.

  • Fairy Tales In "King Thrushbeard", the eponymous king goes through several disguises to get (and to get back at) the princess.

  • In Andrew Lang's Sicilian fairy tale "Paperarelloo" (here), the title character is a king who finds work as a goose-boy in another kingdom. Paperarello (derived from Italian papera meaning "gosling") is the nickname given to him.

  • "The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs": In the beginning of the tale, the king visits the main character's hometown passing himself off as an anonymous rich traveler.

  • Myths & Religion Classical Mythology: Zeus, and others of the Greek Gods, would also occasionally walk the earth in the guise of old hags or beggars, so they could reward those that showed them kindness, or punish those that didn't. The most famous story of this is the tale of Baucis and Philemon, where Zeus and Hermes, disguised as beggars, are shown Sacred Hospitality by the poor, elderly couple Baucis and Philemon after their richer neighbors had shut their doors to the gods. This leads to Zeus providing some Laser-Guided Karma to the rich people and one of Classical Myths' most heartwarming endings.

  • For a story where it backfired spectacularly on the mortal being visited, look no further than Lycaon, who served the visiting Zeus (whose actual identity he was suspecting to be the king of gods) a dinner of human stew. Made of a boy who in some versions of the story was Zeus's own son. By Lycaon's daughter no less. Small wonder Zeus literally flipped the table on him and turned him into the first werewolf. And now you know the etymology of "lycanthropy".

  • One of the founding myths of ancient Athens was that its semi-legendary last ruling king, Codrus, heard a prophecy that if the city was to be saved from the attacking Dorians, an Athenian king would have to die. Codrus therefore disguised himself as a peasant, found a Dorian encampment, provoked the garrison, and was killed in the ensuing quarrel. After this, everyone agreed that this was a Tough Act to Follow and that therefore Athens would never again have a king; his descendants were instead given a hereditary post in the judiciary with additional religious duties.note To give a comparison for those not sure what this means: Imagine if George VI had had a vision that the only way Britain would survive the Blitz would be if he were to disguise himself as an ordinary member of the RAF and fly reckless missions until the Luftwaffe shot him down, and the response being for the Royal Family to willingly agree to Britain to become a republic, but the people saying "Only if the person who would be the monarch is always Chief Justice and also the Archbishop of Canterbury." Such was Greece.

  • Norse Mythology has Óðinn doing this a lot as well, sometimes accompanied by Loki.

  • Japanese folklore has youkai which fill this role.

  • The Bible: The Four Gospels: God the Son became a mortal man in order to reconcile with fallen humanity, and even after his return to heaven remains The Son of Man as much as of God.

  • Some interpretations of Jesus' parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-46) see the King in this story as using this trope to test the goodwill of his subjects. Elements of the story reinforce this: born in a manger, working at a trade, being an itinerant preacher, "Having no form or comeliness that we should desire him", not being able to afford his own grave, etc.

  • King Solomon was said to have been thrown down from his throne and replaced by a demon impostor. He was forced to roam the land as a commoner, so rather than by choice, this one was against his will.

  • The prophet Elijah favored this trick, doing it willingly to gauge the temper of the Israelite people. On the other hand, he was often forced to do it (he was hunted by King Ahab, so he had to hide).

  • Angels are said to do this, as in the story of Lot.

  • It features this in 2 Chronicles 18:28. Ahab, the king of Israel at the time, disguised himself in battle against Ramoth-gilead. He had Jehosaphat put on royal regalia instead. Ahab's intention was to avoid being killed despite the fact Michaiah the Prophet explicitly stated that he would be and that God had in fact put a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets to entice him to enter battle and die. The disguise doesn't work long. Ahab is killed.

  • Saul also disguised himself upon going to see the witch of Endor. The woman is reluctant to conjure the dead for him and explains that Saul would put her to death for practicing witchcraft. When Saul asks for her to conjure up Samuel however, she realizes who it is she's talking to.

  • More than one Catholic saint has an encounter like this in their legends. Saint Martin of Tours, one of the most popular Catholic saints, was converted after having shared his cape with a freezing beggar, who turned out to be Jesus.

  • Saint Christopher, was an ex-Genius Bruiser turned Gentle Giant who converted to Christianity after finding out that the cute little boy he once helped cross a river was actually Baby Jesus, and that said baby was actually the Lord and Master of the Universe.

  • Both St. Francis of Assisi and St. Elizabeth of Hungary, among others, are said to have encountered Christ in the unpleasant form of a leper.

  • The Odyssey: Used by Odysseus to gain entry into Troy (as well as his home, after the suitors took it over).

  • King Alfred the Great of Wessex traditionally infiltrated the ranks of his Danish enemies disguised as a minstrel; more famously, in disguise, he was taken into a poor woman's hut and told to watch her baking cakes, and slapped by her when he burned them. (Both incidents are included by G. K. Chesterton in The Ballad of the White Horse.

  • Played with by the narrative of the Christian hymn The Stranger and His Friend, also called A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief. Taken literally, the protagonist keeps encountering a beggar, who they don't know the name of, in various perilous situations (starving, collapsed from dehydration, stuck outside in a blizzard, wounded from assault next to the road) and showing hospitality to him at considerable personal expense. It ends with the beggar falsely accused on death row, and the protagonist futilely trying to argue his innocence. The beggar asks the protagonist if they would be willing to die if that would mean the beggar would be freed and, when the protagonist says that they would, the beggar unmasks himself as Jesus and congratulates the protagonist. However, the hymn is a reference to Matthew 25:40, which says that service to people who are in need is service to Jesus, and therefore usually understood as allegorical.



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