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Realm Works For Mac Free

Your initial license purchase includes access to the Realm Works servers for a specified length of time. You will then have the option of extending your service further into the future, typically in roughly 6-month and 12-month intervals. Server access provides the ability to efficiently sync your realms to/from the server and make them available to your players outside the game session. If the service period lapses, these capabilities will be temporarily suspended until you choose to renew the service, which you may do at any time. You will still be able to login and retrieve the last updated version of your realms from the server.

Realm Works For Mac

New subscribers of the $7.99 plan will get a 30-day trial to test out the new wares, while subscribers of the $3.99 plan will start paying right away. The difference in the two plans outside of cost is the more expensive subscription allows for you and 10 friends (11 players total) to be in a realm at the same time. The less expensive option only allows you and two friends, or three total players, in the realm at any given time.

Keep in mind, however, that the owner of the server has complete control. Meaning, he or she can kick you out, reset the world to a brand-new state, switch between creative and survival modes. And if he or she decides to cancel the subscription, the realm and all of your accomplishments disappear.

Before you can join or create a realm, you'll need to log into an Xbox Live account within the Minecraft Pocket Edition app. The good news is you don't need a paid Gold account in order to connect to a server and start crafting away.

  • Table of contents Opening the Kerberos application

  • Obtaining Kerberos tickets Specifying ticket lifetime when logging in

  • About the ticket list

  • Changing active users

  • Destroying tickets

  • Renewing tickets (i.e., extending your login duration)

  • Displaying ticket information

  • Changing your password

  • Dock icon features

  • Adding and removing realms

  • Changing preferences

  • Identifying the Version of Kerberos for Macintosh

  • If you're not familiar with Kerberos authentication and terms such as Kerberos tickets, go to What Is Kerberos? to learn the concepts and terms. Opening the Kerberos application To open the Kerberos application: If you have installed the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras, go to the Applications folder, open the Utilities folder, and open the Kerberos icon. Otherwise, you will need to navigate to the /System/Library/CoreServices directory (use the Go To Folder... item in the Finder's Go menu), and open the Kerberos icon from there. (You may want to run the Kerberos Extras or make your own alias in a more convenient location.)Result: The Kerberos application window is displayed. Obtaining Kerberos tickets Click on the Get Tickets button, choose Get Tickets from Tickets menu, or press -N. Result: The Kerberos Login dialog box appears: The first time you use the Kerberos application to log in, the username box is blank. After that, by default the Kerberos Login dialog box displays the username of the person who last used it to log in.

  • Type your Kerberos username in the username box. (This is not necessarily the same as your Mac OS X username.) If you want to log in using a principal that contains an instance (if you are unfamiliar with this term, don't worry about it), enter a slash after your username and then type the instance, e.g. "username/instance". (This is the v5 style of specifying instances.)

  • Click once in the password box, or press the key, and type your password.

  • If you need to change realms, click once in the Realm field/popup list and choose the desired realm. If the desired realm is not present in the list, you can try typing it into the Realm field. This will only work if you have a Kerberos configuration file ( that already includes the realm, or your site is set up for auto/DNS resolution of Kerberos realms. If neither of these are true, you should consult your system administrator for a proper Kerberos configuration file. You can see what realms are in the configuration file by using the Edit Favorite Realms feature of the Kerberos application.

  • Click on OK. Result: If authentication is successful, a ticket entry appears in the Kerberos application window: The Active User box indicates your Kerberos username, the realm for which your Kerberos tickets are valid, and the time remaining for which they are valid. An entry also appears in the ticket list. By default, Kerberos tickets are valid for 10 hours. You can shorten the duration for which tickets are valid at the time you log in. Refer to Specifying ticket lifetime when logging in for instructions on how to do this. You can also change the default ticket lifetime. Refer to Changing Preferences to find out how to do this. If you get a Kerberos error, it may be for any of the following reasons: You've entered either your Kerberos username or password incorrectly. Try again, making sure that the CAPS LOCK key is not turned on.

  • You may not have authorization to log into the realm specified. If you're authorized to log into a different realm, refer to Adding and removing realms to make another realm available, and then choose it from the realms popup list when logging in.

  • The realm you specified does not have an entry in your configuration file and/or your site does not have auto/DNS configuration for that realm. Contact your site administrator.

  • There is a problem with your authorization for the realm you're using. Contact your site administrator.

  • To see details about your tickets, click once on the triangle next to the username in the ticket list. See About the ticket list for more information. The Kerberos application allows more than one Kerberos user to log into the same Macintosh (note this is not the same as having two Mac OS X users logged in at the same time). An additional person can log in by completing steps 1 - 4. Each additional person who has logged in receives an entry in the ticket list: The active Kerberos user, i.e., the username whose tickets are used for authentication when you start a new Kerberos-using application, appears in the Active User box. This username is also underlined in the ticket list. To change active users, follow the procedure in the next section, Changing active users. If you log out of Mac OS X, all tickets for all Kerberos users will be destroyed. Once the duration of your tickets has ended, an "expired" message appears: Specifying ticket lifetime when logging in If you want to change the length of time that your tickets are valid upon logging in, you can do it through the Kerberos Login dialog box. To do this, Click on the Get Tickets button, choose Get Tickets from Tickets menu, or press -N. Result: The Kerberos Login dialog box appears.

  • Click once on the Show Options button. Result: The Kerberos Login dialog expands, revealing the login options:

  • Place the mouse pointer on the Ticket Lifetime slider and drag it to the desired time indicated above the slider.

  • If you want, you can click on the Hide Options button to hide the login options, or you can just leave them always displayed (the Kerberos Login dialog will remember whether it was expanded or not the next time it's displayed).

  • Enter your Kerberos username (if it's not already displayed) and password, then click on OK. Result:If your login is successful, you've obtained tickets that are valid for the lifetime you specified.

  • The next time you log in, the lifetime of the tickets you obtain will be the same as the time you specified during the previous login, unless you repeat this procedure or force a constant default lifetime (see Changing preferences for instructions on how to do this). You can change other Kerberos Login options here. See Changing preferences for more information about each option.

About the ticket list Below the Active User box and the Renew Tickets, Destroy Tickets, and Change Password buttons is the ticket list. The ticket list shows all the principals that are currently authenticated in the current Mac OS X user's session.

  • Adding and removing realms A default Kerberos realm is specified by the configuration file (as distributed from MIT, this realm is ATHENA.MIT.EDU). When using the Kerberos application to log in, by default the Kerberos username and password entered are checked for authorization in this area of the network. You can add other realms, as described in this section, and change which one Kerberos Login uses by default. (For instructions on how to change the default realm, see Changing Preferences.) Other realms listed in the configuration file can also be used for logging in, but must first be added to the list of "favorite" realms which are displayed in the Kerberos Login dialog. You can do this one of two ways. First, you can type the realm you want directly into the Realm field/popup in the Kerberos Login dialog. This will only work if the realm is already in your Kerberos configuration file, or if your site is set up for auto/DNS resolution of Kerberos realms. If you are unsure if either of these are the case, or you try to add a realm this way and it doesn't work, consult your site administrator. Second, you can use the Edit Favorite Realms of the Kerberos application that provides the following options for making the other realms in the preferences available for use: You can add one or multiple realms from the preferences file to the Favorite Realms List.

  • If you want to keep the list of Favorite realms to the minimum that you need, you can remove realms from the Favorite Realms List.

  • You can type in the name of a realm to be used directly. This should only be used for auto configuration/DNS realms; typing in the name of a realm that is not in the configuration file and does not have a auto/DNS configuration at your site will not work, as simply giving the name of a realm does not provide all the necessary information for that realm to be used by Kerberos for Macintosh. If you do not see a realm you want here and are unsure if there is a auto/DNS configuration for it, consult your site administrator.

  • For information on adding new realm information to the Kerberos preferences file, see the Kerberos Preferences on Mac OS X Documentation. Kerberos for Macintosh does not provide a GUI way to add this information. Generally you should not have to do this, consult with your site administrator first! To add and remove realms, From the Edit menu, choose Edit Favorite Realms... or press -E. Result: The Edit Favorite Realms dialog box appears:

  • Do any of the following: Click once on the realm that you want to add in the All Available Realms side of the dialog box, then click on Add to add the selected realm to the Favorite Realms list. Result: The selected realm is moved to the Favorite Realms list:

  • Click on Add All to add all of the realms from the All Available Realms list to the Favorite Realms list. Result:The remaining realms in the All Available Realms list are moved to the Favorite Realms list:

  • Click once on the realm that you want to remove in the Favorite Realms dialog box, then, click on Remove to remove the selected realm from the Favorite Realms list. Result: The selected realm is removed from the Favorite Realms list: NOTE: At least one realm is required in the Favorite Realms list.

  • Type the name of a realm with auto/DNS configuration into the "Add realm that has auto configuration" field, and click on the Add button to the right of that field.


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